Justice versus Peace

A friend of mine recently observed,

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who want peace and those who want justice. I used to be justice-minded. The older I get the more I become focused on peace.

His comment was part of a larger discussion about how to resolve significant differences that inevitably emerge within valued relationships. What do you do when a loved one feels that you have wronged her and you feel wronged by your loved one?

My friend and I weren’t talking about life-threatening situations. Obviously, that’s a whole different story. We were talking about the little arguments that peck away at relationships. They’re questions about money or pride or preference.

When those disagreements come up, what do you do? For my friend, he decides whether it is more important that he be right (justice) or that he have a healthy relationship (peace), and then acts accordingly.


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  1. Geoff,
    It’s like you were in the room with Vince and I just now as we discussed this very subject.
    Rise above the discussion and float there! See these opportunities for personal growth and to stay centered on what’s really being discussed that’s not being said. Hold your head high. Seek peace with yourself and your relationships.

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