The post office

Governments suck at efficiency. Have you been to the post office recently? I have and it sucked. My son spilled his water and I asked for a paper towel. I was told that they didn’t have any. That was either a lie or it was true. Either way, it is absurd! I wiped up the mess with an envelope.

– Overheard from a frustrated father

43% of the world’s spending; 4.5% of the world’s population

War has all the characteristics of a socialism most conservatives hate: centralized power, state planning, false rationalism, restricted liberties, foolish optimism about intended results and blindness to unintended secondary results.

– Joseph Sobran

HT Vince Graham for the quote & Hamilton Davis for the images.

Richard Branson on learning and mistakes

To be read in an English accent:

When was the last time you took a risk? …Learn the art of making mistakes and learning lessons. People have a fear of failure, and while this is perfectly reasonable, it’s also very odd. It’s through making mistakes that we learn to do things. Watch a musician practice sometime. Watch a baby figure out how to walk. Skills like walking and playing music emerge gradually from a blizzard of often pretty funny mistakes. I think this is true about everything: Learning is about making mistakes and learning from them… [Making mistakes] is not failure; Failure is not giving things a go in the first place.

From the Business Stripped Bare audiobook.